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How to Identify

A Guide on How to Identify Cockroaches

Cockroaches are unsightly and unsanitary intruders. Our targeted cockroach control methods eliminate these pests at the source, ensuring your space is cleaner and healthier for all.

How to Identify

A Guide on How to Identify Cockroaches

Detecting a cockroach infestation early is crucial for effective control and elimination. This section is dedicated to helping you identify signs of cockroach presence in your home or business, focusing on typical indicators and areas where they are commonly found.

  • Look for cockroach droppings, which appear as small, dark specks or pepper-like stains, in areas such as kitchen cabinets, drawers, and along walls.
  • Examine hidden spots like under sinks, behind refrigerators, in cracks and crevices, and around garbage areas for live cockroaches or their carcasses.
  • Check for egg cases (oothecae), which are oblong and dark brown, often found in secluded areas such as behind furniture or in pantries.
  • Be aware of a musty, oily smell that can indicate a large cockroach infestation.
  • Inspect for grease marks or smear marks along walls or in corners, as cockroaches often travel along edges and leave streaks.
How to Identify

A Guide on How to Identify Cockroaches

After addressing a cockroach infestation, it's important to take steps to ensure they do not return. This section offers a checklist for maintaining a cockroach-free environment, highlighting key actions and preventative measures.

  • Seal cracks and crevices in walls, around baseboards, and in other entry points to prevent cockroach entry.
  • Keep your home clean and free of food debris, especially in the kitchen, by wiping surfaces, cleaning floors, and storing food in sealed containers.
  • Regularly dispose of garbage and use cans with tight-fitting lids to reduce food sources for cockroaches.
  • Fix water leaks and eliminate moisture sources, as cockroaches are attracted to damp environments.
  • Use cockroach baits and traps strategically to monitor and control any potential resurgence of the pests.
  • Schedule regular inspections and treatments with pest control professionals to ensure ongoing cockroach control.

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Whatever I need to do to get you there ─ or whatever critters I need to deal with ─ I'll handle it.

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Reviews / Testimonials

What My Customers Say About Me

We had a terrible problem with bugs. Just one visit made a world of difference. I recommend Todd highly. He gets the job done!

Joy Adams

Great response time checking out our home! Todd was very knowledgeable and confident in what steps we needed to take. Fair price too. So satisfied that we now have him handle out business too.

Matt Yates

Todd was a pleasure to work with! He was responsive, professional, and did a great job. I would recommend him for your extermination needs.

Leslie Smith

Amazing Customer Service! I called this morning and Todd was at my house by 1:30. He definitely saved the day!! He explained everything and answered all my questions! We will be using Marett Pest Control for all our pest issues.

Allison Martin

Amazing service! So easy to schedule and I know if there is an issue I could call but I haven't had to! Also loves that this company supports the community!

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